Certifications available
upon request
Custom design and fabrication since 1978
Office: (330) 630-2521
Engineering Services
At CCM Welding our workforce combines years of practical machine and fabrication knowledge with years of professional engineering training which can be put to work to assist your business. Whether you are looking to take your product to market and need assistance with product design and manufacturing, or need to reverse engineer old (yet reliable) machinery, we've got you covered.
Design Services
Computer-aided design systems have revolutionized the product design process. If we can not make it, we can design just about any mechanical system that your require. Let us know the market application and we can ensure that your product meets the strictest industry standards for design and safety. We have over 10 years of experience in advanced CAD design and are happy to put our expertise to work for you.
Manufacturing Systems
We have a long history in product manufacturing. Newly acquired talent enables us to design specialized machinery that pushes the limits of production efficiency. We take into consideration large scope concepts while applying thoughtful precision and attention to detail in all of our work to ensure that your processes have maximum up-time.
Reverse Engineering
We understand that in quite a few cases, "they just don't make them like they used to!" Older machinery is typically overbuilt for a good reason, as it was designed to have a long operating life. We believe that reliable machinery is essential to building strong economies, and we are happy to assist in the redesign and rebuilding process of machines that work "like they used to."
When it comes to taking napkin sketches to a finished product, we understand there is a lot of work that needs to be done in between. We can assist customers in more ways than just through our handiwork. Please consider us as a long term partner that can offer operation services as well as help in the product design process.